“I don’t remember when I started coming to WB as a “senior”. I was somewhat familiar with the program because of my 2 older sisters. Once I was no longer involved in regular work, I got involved in volunteering with dial-a-ride, then saw a note about becoming a youth mentor. I have met so many new and interesting people that I am enjoying every minute of my volunteer work. Now I’m involved in the bone builder program, go to most of the senior monthly luncheons, take in a free movie and popcorn, go to Ted Talks, play cards weekly, and even got my husband to join me in some of the activities. There’s no reason for any seniors from Henniker (and surrounding towns) to be bored!! Love this place, and especially the great staff.”
“A friendly Hello, a welcoming smile,
Come visit White Birch and stay for a while.
There is knitting and exercise, movies and more,
There are socials and trips and stories galore.
It’s bright and it’s beautiful, new carpet on the floor,
A place to see friends and make many more,
It’s Beth Ann and Marc with their own friendly way,
That makes us feel special and brightens our day.
So come check it out, you are missing a lot.
Thanks White Birch Senior Center for this friendly happy spot.
(You don’t stop having fun when you get old – You get old when you stop having fun. That’s not my quote but I believe it).”
“I have never had so many wonderful people to call friends at one time. What I thought would be a dull rest of my life has been turned into something great. I now look forward to every upcoming activity at White Birch’s Center for Active Living.”
“I was introduced to the White Birch Senior Center when I went to a luncheon and on a couple of trips. It was fun and everyone was very friendly. I joined the KnitWits (knitting group) and met many wonderful people who all became my friends – not just people you see once a week, but people of all ages that you know you can count on for help. We go on many trips that include shopping–my favorite thing to do. These trips are fun and always end with lunch, and of course, ice cream. I also volunteer at the senior monthly luncheons and enjoy every minute of it.”
“White Birch Senior Center is the place to be. Friends, new and old, trips near and far, sharing food and sharing stories. We may enter tentatively but quickly discover a community of wonderful people.”