Open Door
Health and Illness Policy
- A fever of 101° or higher;
- Two or more bouts of vomiting;
- Two or more bouts of diarrhea not associated with taking antibiotics;
- Any communicable disease (these may require medical treatment before a child is permitted to return).
Behavior Policy
White Birch Center addresses the safety and behavior of all its children through PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)). Positive behavior support is a behavior management system that examines challenging behaviors to understand the reason behind them and then attempts to prevent the occurrence of the challenging behaviors while teaching the child the skills that they need to be successful. The approach focuses on positive methods to redirect and change behaviors rather than a punishment based approach. Occasionally a child may pose a safety risk to themselves or others or are disruptive to the classroom due to behavior; e.g. refusal to follow directions, running away, biting, kicking and hurting others or themselves. Often a behavior plan is developed at this level and is implemented by all who interact with the child; e.g. child may work towards earning a privilege by demonstrating positive behaviors. A formal behavior referral is initiated when a child exhibits behaviors that pose a significant safety risk to themselves or others that do not appear to be responding to typical positive interventions. A behavioral referral requires input from staff, parents and the behavior analyst. A meeting will be held with staff and families to assist in uncovering possible stressors or underlying health or developmental issues that may be contributing to behavioral challenges.
Safety Policy
White Birch Center is able to provide resources such as the Early Intervention screening (0-3 years) and Child Check through the public school from the school district that the family resides for children 3 years and older. If challenging behaviors continue to persist and escalate to the point that the child (or others) cannot be kept safe, it is at the discretion of WBC to terminate the child care contract for the child. A two-week written notice will be provided.
Snow Policy
Click here to download the White Birch Center Snow Policies and Procedures