NEC Serves – WBC Active Living Program
NEC college students helped the seniors from White Birch Center Active Living Program with their fall clean up chores as part of the NEC Serves effort. Thanks NEC!
NEC college students helped the seniors from White Birch Center Active Living Program with their fall clean up chores as part of the NEC Serves effort. Thanks NEC!
Thank you to all who came out to celebrate with us at our Family Fall Festival! Tons of fun was had by all!
As of July 1, 2019, White Birch Center will be changing it’s hours of operation. Our NEW Hours are as follows:
Please Note: This change DOES NOT apply to our Extended Education Program. Those hours will remain the same.
Thank you to all those who helped make NH Gives 2019 a success!
Volunteers from the White Birch Active Living Program spent time Friday folding and taping the spring newsletter for the Chamber of Commerce. Each year the Chamber of Commerce supports White Birch with a donation that is used to purchase a Motion Picture license so that White Birch can show weekly films for the seniors.
Last Wednesday there was a full house at White Birch as they intently listened to the Fraud Squad presentation.
Thanks to Bob Mulligan and AARP for sharing tips on how to avoid scams and identity theft.