• Twice a year White Birch hosts the AARP Smart Driver Course, which covers defensive driving techniques and the normal changes in vision, hearing, and reaction time associated with aging.
  • Visit Website

Granite Visiting Nurse Association

  • Monthly health clinics at White Birch (Blood pressure checks, foot care, nutrition and medication counseling). Call 410-9953 to schedule an appointment.
  • As part of their Community Education Series, they offer 5-6 workshops/classes a year at White Birch covering current health topics for seniors.
  • Annual flu shot clinic.
  • Blood pressure check at monthly senior luncheon.
  • Visit Website

Friends Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) in Concord

  • Bone Builders – evidence based senior exercise classes that improve bone and muscle strength, balance, circulation and general health. These regular exercises reduce falls and osteoporosis. RSVP trains the instructors and offers support through monthly visits to class. Classes are offered four times a week at White Birch.
  • Dial A Ride – RSVP assists White Birch with the necessary paperwork (back ground checks/driving records) and also covers insurance beyond the drivers personal liability. Volunteer drivers take seniors to medical appointments.
  • Visit Website

Massachusetts Council on Aging

Mountainview Senior Center

  • Henniker seniors partake in activities at Mountainview.
  • Mountainview and White Birch join together for an annual luncheon cruise on Lake Sunapee.
  • Phone: 603-938-2104

National Council on Aging

New Hampshire Association of Senior Centers


  • Medicare counselor visits White Birch 6 times a year and is available to meet with seniors to review plans and offer guidance.
  • Visit Website

Tucker Free Library

  • Monthly meeting at the library to watch and discuss a TED Talk.
  • Visit Website

Health and Wellness